The following activities, compiled by Professor Anne Harriss, are designed to supplement Lesley Macniven’s CPD article on leadership as a second skill set.
Activity 1
Competent leadership is essential if organisations generally, and occupational health teams in particular, are to be effective. List what you think are the characterises of a good leader then compare your list to those highlighted by the Centre for Creative Leadership and within the article by Sarmad Hasan, Top 15 leadership qualities that make good leaders.
Having read these articles, think about the teams with which you work and how they are led. How might leadership be strengthened within those teams and what part might you play in this process?
Activity 2
The research undertaken by the Centre for Creative Leadership suggests that the best leaders consistently possess a number of essential leadership qualities including self-awareness, influencing skills and empathy. Access the following links to further explore these facets:
Harvard Business Review, ‘What self-awareness really is and how to cultivate it’
Harvard Business Review, ‘How to increase your influence at work’
Forbes, ‘Empathy is the most important leadership skill according to research’
Activity 3
Think of three effective leaders. Reflect on, then list, what you think makes them good leaders.
Now complete the sentence ‘Good leaders should…’ then access this website to compare your thoughts with those of the author.
Activity 4
Use the links below to consider the role of leaders as decision architects and the leadership styles they might utilise in order to transform organisations.
‘Leaders as decision architects’
‘Six emotional leadership styles’
‘5 leadership styles in nursing’
‘Transformational leader or narcissist’
‘Proof that transformational leadership can become the new normal’
Activity 5
The following TED talks explore a number of the facets of effective leadership. Think of how these talks relate to how you might further develop your own approach to leadership.
Everyday leadership: Drew Dudley
Lead like the Great Conductors: Itay Talgam
How Great Leaders Inspire Action: Simon Sinek
Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe: Simon Sinek
Listen, Learn then …. Lead: Stanley McChrystal
Activity 6
Further reading focusing on challenges and opportunities for occupational health.
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Asanati, K., Pahl, N. (2020). How COVID-19 has made occupational health services indispensable. Royal College of Physicians
 Godderis, L., Luyten, J. (2020). Challenges and opportunities for occupational health and safety after the COVID-19 lockdowns. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Vol 77(8)