Most of the Equality Act 2010 came into force on 1 October 2010 and employers need to make sure they comply with the changes to legislation.
Warning: This page is no longer updated. It has been replaced by a new dedicated Equality Act page, available here. |
The Equality Act aims to provide a simpler, more consistent and more effective legal framework for preventing discrimination.
All existing discrimination legislation has been replaced by the Equality Act 2010, including the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, and, while many principles remain the same, there are important changes to a number of key areas.
This means that employers need to look at their current policies and procedures to make sure they comply with the Equality Act. However, according to a Personnel Today online quiz, almost half of our readers are still unsure about the implications of the Equality Act.
But there is much that employers can do to prepare for the Equality Act 2010. This page contains Personnel Today’s selection of the most reliable employer- and HR-relevant information. Bookmark this page or sign up to our RSS feeds to ensure you stay up to date with the Equality Act 2010.
Personnel Today Plus members can access a model equal opportunities policy for use in policy manuals or staff handbooks. If you are not a member, click here to sign up to Personnel Today Plus for free.
Equality Act 2010: Guide to changes in legislation
Changes in disability discrimination There are several changes to current disability discrimination legislation, which are likely to have an impact on day-to-day working life. Third-party harassment Under the Equality Act 2010, employers may be liable if an employee suffers harassment from a third-parrty, such as a customer or client, that is related to a protected characteristic. Pre-employment health questionnaires With limited exceptions, the Equality Act prohibits employers from asking candidates pre-employment health questions. Dual discrimination claims The Equality Act 2010 introduces the concept of dual discrimination, where an individual who believes that he or she has been treated less favourably because of a combination of two protected characteristics can bring a combined claim. This is expected to come into force next year. Gender pay reporting The Equality Act contains a number of provisions designed to address the stubborn gender pay gap such as gender pay audits. Gender pay reporting did not come into force on 1 October 2010 but will be implemented at a later date.
Read more about changes that will affect employers
Equality Act 2010: Documents from the Government
- The Equality Act 2010 legislation
- Public sector equality duty<
- Forms for employees to obtain information from employers
Find out how the Equality Act 2010 will affect your organisation. At various locations throughout the UK.
Highlights include:
background to the changes and the effect on current policies and procedures;
changes to the definitions of discrimination and disability discrimination; and
recognising and measuring pay gaps.
The Equality Act: External resources for employers
Acas Equality Act guide: What’s new for employers?
Government fact sheet on the Equality Bill
Equality Act guide for public sector organisations
Codes of practice from the Equality and Human Rights Commission
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The latest information on the Equality Act can be found on Personnel Today’s sister site XpertHR. Subscription required to access some content