salaries have increased by 8 per cent in the last year according to research.
executives in parent companies now earn a median basic salary of £394,400
compared to £150,000 in subsidiary companies, claims the research jointly carried
out by Bacon & Woodrow, Deloitte & Touche, New Bridge Street
Consultants and SCA Consulting.
basic salary increases being received by senior executives are more than double
those received by staff generally and nearly three times the current rate of
inflation,” said New Bridge Street Consultants’ Andy Christie, who was involved
in the research.
executives of the top 30 FTSE 100 companies received median basic salaries of
over £600,000 last year.
executives still earn more than £30,000 more than their female colleagues, and
the proportion of women in the boardroom failed to increase. It is currently 10
per cent.
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