Political parties must listen to employers and respond to
the skills needs in the UK marketplace according to the manifesto issued by the
National Training Organisation.
The training body, representing 93 per cent of the UK
workforce, is urging the government to ensure stronger employer input on all
policy relating to education, skills and productivity through an improved NTO
sector employer network.
Andy Powell, NTO national council chief executive, said,
“Too often, major learning and skills policies and initiatives fail because
they are not considered from the perspective of industry. As a result, business
is left to manage a workforce with serious skills shortfalls.”
The NTO’s skills manifesto is calling for employers and
trade unions to have a greater impact on all aspects of education, learning and
skills development.
It recommends that a UK network of informed employers should
be set up representing all industry sectors and sizes of organisation and which
in turn will advise on what training is really needed in the workplace.
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