The North Glamorgan NHS Trust is introducing an e-learning induction
training programme for new doctors.
Specifically aimed at locums and junior doctors on clinical rotation, the
scheme replaces the previous bi-annual face-to-face induction programme and
came about after the Royal College of Physicians identified the need to provide
training to locum and short-term staff.
"The very nature of locum doctors means their time with the trust is
often very short. This makes it difficult and often impractical to take them
away from their clinical duties and schedule face-to-face training," said
the trust’s training manager Helen Thomas.
The induction programme was put together by Learning Industries, a spin-off
company from Cardiff University and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year. It combines online video and e-learning and covers areas such as
bereavement procedures, quality and standards in prescription writing,
infection control, complaints and litigation, confidentiality, and health and
"This is a significant step forward in delivering safe, high-quality
services to our patients," added Thomas. "The online delivery of
induction training enables locums to quickly familiarise themselves with the
facilities and procedures within the trust."
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E-learning is increasingly being used for induction because courses can be
made available at any time and are repeatable.