Hot off the back of Gordon Brown calling for the UK to have a ‘British Day’, the government has announced there will be a National Pensions Day.
While not actually a public holiday, the public will be able to have their say on the findings of the Pensions Commission and these results will help to inform a government White Paper, secretary of state for work and pensions John Hutton said today.
When the commission reported in November among its recommendations were that the retirement age be gradually raised to 68 and a National Pension Savings Scheme, into which people would be automatically enrolled, with employers compelled to contribute a set amount.
Hutton said action needed to be taken to prevent tomorrow’s pensioners facing poverty in old age.
“We are determined to reach as broad a national consensus as possible and believe the Pensions Commission’s proposals are the framework for achieving this,” he said.
People will be asked to give their views on a package of options including the following elements:
The basic framework of the state pension.
State pension age and working longer.
A national system of personal pension accounts.
The role of employers in providing pensions.
Correcting past inequalities – particularly those faced by women and carers.
Hutton said: “Securing a decent retirement income for people in the future is one of the most important challenges facing society – we want people of all ages from every section of the community to be involved.”
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A representative sample of people across the country will be recruited to take part in National Pensions Day and people will also be able to have their say by logging onto the National Pensions Debate website.
The date for National Pensions Day has yet to be announced.