Pat ashworth reviews: recipe for success by supernova learning
Format: Video with CD-Rom and workbook
Price: £499+VAT+carriage
From: Supernova Learning, 22 Hove Park Villas, Hove BN3 6HG Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Tel/fax: 01273 326624Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
E-mail: [email protected]
Rick and Jill Stein’s seafood business in Padstow provides the backdrop to
Recipe for Success. This is a documentary-style video with scenes set in their
busy restaurant, shop, and hotel.
As the camera captures the mouth-watering dishes and the vibrant atmosphere
in the restaurant, commentaries are heard from the Steins, their managers and
staff about the ingredients that combine to make the business successful – lead
by example, set standards, communicate, delegate, and support and develop.
The restaurant manager tells us about Jill covering bar duties when the
restaurant is short-staffed and says "that’s a great example, it’s wonderful
to have people like that leading us".
The customer services manager emphasises the importance of communication:
"I think its the personal touch, it starts at the top and filters all the
way down." And Rick outlines his approach to delegation: "It’s about
knowing what you can do and getting other people to do the things you can’t and
then laughing about it."
These principles are picked up in separate sections and explored with
practical examples and commentaries: Lead by Example concentrates on the
importance of treating people with respect and being prepared to ‘do the same
as everyone else’; Set Standards explores the underlying values of the business
and the importance of training in conveying those values; Communication focuses
on the importance of being visible and approachable – as Rick puts it,
"getting off your bum and walking round" and asking people how they
are doing; Delegation deals with the importance of empowering and trusting
people; and Support and Develop explores the importance of training,
development and learning.
This film is an effective complement to management development programmes.
It takes the mystery out of managing and motivating people by focusing on the
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The strongest message is about treating people with respect and in an adult
manner. It also depicts a living and successful business which makes its
approach all the more successful.
Finally, the management principles are dealt with separately, which will
enable trainers to stop the video and explore the learning in detail. A
workbook is included in the package to help support this approach.