Whether it is you, your workforce, your department or all three that needs
to de-stress, these should offer a helping hand
British Psychological Society
The online home of the representative body for psychologists and psychology
in the UK lets you search the directory and register of Chartered Psychologists
and has a useful FAQ section on the practicalities of using one.
Offers online counselling via secure e-mail and chat room facilities to help
employees meet the challenges within the workplace, both personally and
professionally. It is a paid-for service.
International Stress Management Association
There’s not much that this registered charity doesn’t know about handling
stress. The site features selected articles from its journal, Stress News, plus
books and publications listed under handy headings and links to its contacts
around the world.
An Introduction to Stress Management, NLP and Hypnotherapy
Obviously Manchester-based hypnotherapist, life coach and NLP trainer Andy
Smith hopes he’ll get some business leads from his site, but there is useful
free information here, including advice about dealing with panic attacks and
why you shouldn’t feel guilty when you take a break.
Mind Tools
The stress management page from the US site to provide you with ‘essential
tools for an excellent career’. Lots of practical articles and exercises to
help you analyse and control your stress and an introduction to the idea of an
‘optimum’ stress level.
Stress Counselling
A calming piano tune, cartoons and animated figures greet you here and when
you download the HR and training manager’s Prevention of Stress page, it comes
complete with the Dalai Lama’s Message for the Millennium – it’ll work for
Stress Management Webring
This places you in the middle of the Stress Management Webring, which allows
you to click your way through a ring of related sites covering everything from
feng shui to yoga. Other webrings you can leap into from here include the stop
smoking and lose weight rings.
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Stress UK
No frills sites with useful lists of counsellors and complimentary
associations for reflexology, bio-feedback, chiropractic and even Bach Flower
remedies. It also gives access to useful articles and reports, including the
TUC’s report on stress.