Dr Rebecca Jones examines the warning signs to help people avoid engaging with a charlatan coaching professional.
Dr Rebecca Jones
Dr Rebecca Jones
Dr Rebecca J. Jones PhD CPsychol, is an Associate Professor in Coaching at Henley Business School, the Director of the Henley Centre for Coaching, a world-leading coaching researcher and a Chartered Psychologist. Her passion lies in working with others to achieve their goals, realise their full potential and to live life better. Using a coaching approach underpinned by supportive challenge and raising self-awareness, Rebecca’s coaching style is underpinned by an evidence-based foundation from occupational psychology and behavioural change sciences. Rebecca’s research interests centre on examining the factors that influence coaching effectiveness and she is committed to translating research into practice: a commitment which informs her coaching practice, speaking engagements, teaching, inspires her writing and forms the basis of the Coaching@Henley podcast which she co-hosts. She has published her research in Journals such as the Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, Academy of Management Learning & Education, the European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology and Managerial Psychology.