A Private Members’ Bill to tackle age discrimination is
being introduced by Candy Atherton MP for Falmouth and Camborne.
The Bill would establish an Age Equality Commission to
monitor existing and future legislation and advise business and voluntary
sectors on issues relating to age discrimination.
It was introduced for the first time by Lawrie Quinn MP last
year and was supported by 200 MPs.
She commented that the need for an Age Equality Commission
was highlighted during the foot and mouth crisis when she was contacted by fit
and active vets who were not able to help because of a rule that only under 70s
could work.
“Discrimination on the grounds of age must be tackled. It is
wrong that people are excluded from employment or can be charged extra just
because of their age. It is one of the great scandals of our day that older
people have frequently been ignored by legislators. The time has come for the
‘grey’ vote to take action,” said Atherton.
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The Bill goes to a second reading in the House of Commons on
23 November.
By Katie Hawkins