turnover of HR staff is lowering, claims research.
Salary Survey of HR/personnel Staff 2001 shows that 14 per cent of HR
departments reported problems retaining staff in 2001 compared to 19 per cent
the previous year.
and production employers are the worst sufferers this year, with over a third
reporting retention problems, according to research by Remuneration Economics.
levels are seen as the biggest single reason for retention problems, although
competition from other firms is also cited.
number of male employees in HR continued to decline with only 28 per cent
currently male.
salaries increased by 6.4 per cent this year – down from 6.7 per cent last
year, claims the survey.
of HR employees received bonus payments up from 62 per cent from the previous
year. The average bonus payment is £3,483, a 9 per cent increase from 2000.
those bonus payments, over two-thirds are linked to the company’s performance.
The research shows that there has been an increase in bonuses linked to
personal performance – with a third linked to the individual performance
compared to a fifth in 2000.
provision of company cars for HR professionals has halved in three years, with
a third of HR in 1998 having company cars compared to 15 per cent this year.
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survey polled 152 companies, employing over 4,000 HR staff.