Employment Tribunals
Author: David Sneath
Price: 45
Pages: 275
Publisher: Jordans Publishing
ISBN: 085308954X
Employment Tribunals by David Sneath, who is a member of the Inner Temple (one of the four Inns of Court where barristers are recruited and trained) and regional chairman of employment tribunals in Leeds, advertises itself as ‘a practical guide to the practice and procedure in the modern employment tribunal’, and aims to be ‘essential reading for all employment lawyers, trade union and other employment advisers, and anyone bringing or defending a claim at an employment tribunal’.
It takes the reader through the lifecycle of a claim to the employment tribunal, from bringing or responding to a claim, through conciliation and case management, to the hearing itself and judgments. The appendices, which make up about one-third of the book, include copies of the relevant legislation.
Reading the book from cover to cover is hard going – in parts it is very technical, with frequent references to the relevant legislation, which I think will be confusing for would-be claimants with no legal background. However, it is useful for HR professionals as a reference tool when defending a claim – it would help to go straight to the section on case management to understand the scope of the tribunal in this respect, or to the section on cost orders to appreciate what can be applied for and when.
Although I would not consider this book a ‘must have’, it will be of interest to anyone involved in employment tribunals, and particularly those who want to develop further understanding of how the new regime for employment tribunals is likely to influence the way in which tribunals deal with claims.
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Useful? 3 out of 5 stars
Well-written? 3 stars
Practical? 3 stars
Inspirational? 2 stars
Value for money? 3 stars
Overall 3 stars
Mandy Ferries, senior personnel manager, JD Wetherspoon