One-third of Irish workers have described their relationship with their boss as ‘almost unbearable’, while another third are less than satisfied with their manager.
According to a new survey by recruitment website, just 15 per cent of respondents said they had an excellent relationship with their boss, while 21 per cent said the relationship was pretty good most of the time.
Almost 90 per cent of the 350 employees surveyed think it is very important to have a good manager. Their definition of a good manager was: one that lets them get on with the job, trusting them to work on their own initiative but is available for support or guidance if required.
The survey said the most important boss behaviours that employees look for are someone who is approachable, a good listener and who treats them with respect.
When employees were asked what they disliked most about their bosses, the majority cited lack of support and distrust. Bosses who are ignorant and lack manners and people skills also have a negative impact.
The research also shows that personality clashes or general dissatisfaction with management are the single biggest reasons for people quitting their jobs.
According to Jack Feeney, author of In Search of Competence: The Incompetent and Sometimes Illegal Black Art of Management, who consulted with on the survey, the impact of management style on employee satisfaction is of paramount importance.
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“Management style can uncap great pockets of unleashed potential within any organisation, or negatively, it can drive people to the extreme situation where they resign and walk out,” he said.
“Poor or incompetent management will nearly always impact negatively on the organisation in terms of high staff turnover, low morale, reduced productivity and lost opportunity.”