Milton Keynes has seen the biggest rise in employment in the UK over the
past 10 years.
A study by Business Strategies reveals the town has increased its employment
by 36,100 during the decade.
Warrington came second with a 10-year increase of 27,700, followed by the
district of Northhavon including Yate, near Bristol, which has 24,100 more
people in work than 10 years ago.
Out of nearly 50 districts which registered declines in employment, Dundee
had the biggest fall of 26,400.
Midlands local authorities Nottingham and Leicester came second and third –
down 21,900 and 21,000 respectively.
"Research into why employment in some places has grown faster than
others has highlighted factors including industrial structure, labour force
qualifications, proximity to airport, population density and ethnic mix,"
said Business Strategies associate director Richard Yorke.
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"Prosperous regions produce good school-leaver results, which then
produce an advantageous qualifications mix and more prosperity in the future.
The reverse also applies and this trend tends to widen the North-South
divide," he added.