Staff would be able save valuable working time if they had
access to mobile Internet technology to help them deal with e-mails while they
are away from their desks.
Research by BT Cellnet shows that nearly a third of
corporate workers spend up to an hour answering e-mail backlogs after returning
to the office.
On average they leave their desks for more than two hours
every day and return to a backlog of 11 messages, which take more than 45
minutes to deal with.
However new mobile e-mail technology such as PDAs, laptops
and Internet enabled phones can provide the answer, according to BT Cellnet’s
Enterprise Time Management report.
Those using the technology are able to access and reply to
their e-mails before they return to the office.
It was found that 77 percent of workers felt that using
mobile technologies helped them to hit their work targets, whilst 64 percent
felt that they had gained two extra hours a week.
David Fitchett, head of BT Cellnet, said, “Workers
increasingly dread going back to the office because of the bulging inboxes that
they know await them.
“Mobile technologies make organisations more
productive. They are also popular with
employees because they are empowered to work in a way that suits them.”
The full Enterprise Time Management report involved 90
corporations from across the UK, and will be released in full later this year.
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By Robert De La Poer