The Government’s pensions Green Paper will do little to combat the £27bn
savings shortfall, warn employment specialists.
The document, published just before Christmas, outlines government plans to
simplify occupational pensions to cut costs for employers, simplify the tax
regime for pensions and allow people to work while receiving their occupational
But, the Work Foundation is not convinced the proposals will help to close
the gap between what pensions are worth and what people will need to save for
their old age. A spokesman called for greater protection for people in final
salary pensions.
The foundation wants people who work beyond 65 to be given rights for unfair
dismissal and redundancy prior to 2006’s age discrimination legislation.
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The TUC, Unison and Amicus are disappointed the document does not seek to
make employers’ pension contributions compulsory. The TUC’s Brendan Barber
said: "The case for compulsion is now overwhelming."
Mercer Human Resource Consulting and Towers Perrin criticised the document
because it lacks detail and involves lengthy consultation before any of its
proposals are introduced.