companies are ignoring the training and development needs of their IT managers.
50 per cent of 1,000 IT manager polled by training firm NETg have received no
training in leadership, communication or teambuilding in the past 12 months.
of any kind who are bad communicators, poor at dealing with performance issues,
and ineffective at leading teams will not only demotivate employees, but will
also contribute to a loss in overall company productivity,” said Karina Ward,
marketing manager, NETg.
IT playing a more central role than ever before in a company’s ability to meet
business goals, there needs to be an increased emphasis on giving IT
professionals help in developing non-IT skills.
providing these employees with a blend of learning content and methods, matched
to the learning styles of each individual, training managers can fill this
worrying skills gap.
many companies, only familiar with training in ‘hard’ IT or finance skills, it
will just take a change in mindset: business skills can be learned.”
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a quarter of the IT managers polled had only had three days or less of
professionals skills training. A quarter had received more than three days