managers expect to be trusted to work more flexibly in their bid to achieve a
better work-life balance, according to a report by the Chartered Management
Expectations – what the future holds for young managers surveyed 500 junior or
middle managers aged between 25 and 35.
than 40 per cent said they would like to work regularly from home and a further
27 per cent said that they were already doing so.
two-fifths also said they would like to extend their leisure time through
working a compressed week or increased use of flexitime.
most unpopular mode of flexible working was job sharing. While 32 per cent of
the survey said it had already been introduced in their firm, just 11 per cent
said they would like to make use of it if it was available.
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contrasts with duvet days. While just 2 per cent already had this as an option,
a further 22 per cent would like to have it introduced at their firm.
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