Membership of the CIPD is widely seen as essential for HR practitioners and is accepted by employers as proof of professional capability.
CIPD gained chartered status in 2000, and has had many different names during its history, dating back to 1913. These include the Welfare Workers’ Association, the Institute of Labour Management, and the Institute of Personnel Management (IPM). In 1994, the IPM amalgamated with the Institute of Training and Development to form the Institute of Personnel and Development.
Every year the CIPD produces a range of research reports and surveys which have relevance to the human resources sector.
The CIPD is currently headed up by director general Geoff Armstrong. He has held a number of senior personnel posts at British Leyland and is a past-president of the World Federation of Personnel Management Associations.
In October 2007 the CIPD announced that it had recuited a new chief executive, Jackie Orme, chief personnel officer at PepsiCo (left). She begins her role in April 2008, taking over from Armstrong who retires in June 2008.
CIPD membership and qualifications
CIPD members get access to a range of member benefits and services, which include: the use of a professional designation (chartered members only); access to a range of library and information services; free professional and personal telephone advice on UK employment law; and discounts on CIPD conferences, publications and training courses.
There are numerous grades of individual membership which are either non-chartered or chartered. Non-chartered grades are affiliate, associate, licentiate and graduate. Chartered grades are member (MCIPD), fellow (FCIPD) and companion (CCIPD).
To be a member over affiliate level depends on your HR qualifications and experience. Full details of how to join the CIPD can be found in our guide to HR careers.
CIPD qualifications
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The CIPD offers numerous qualifications including the Certificate in Personnel Practice (CPP), the Certificate in Training Practice (CTP), the Certificate in Recruitment and Selection (CRS), the Certificate in Employment Relations, Law and Practice (CERLAP) and the Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring (CCM). At practitioner level, the institute runs a professional development scheme.
Organisations can also apply for membership of the CIPD.
1 comment
I am enquiring about membership levels of your organisation, given my Army background in Military HR Administration and Finance.
I have served formerly in the Royal Army Pay Corps (which has subsequently become the Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support) Branch) (AGC(SPS))from 1971 to date and held every rank up to my current rank of major. My posts have always been in the HR Administration and Finance fields. I attended and passed a number of HR administrative and Finance based courses, including the officer’s courses of the AGC (SPS) Detachment Commanders course and the Regimental Administration Officer course.
I wonder if you could possibly let me know whether any of my service counts towards entry levels into your organisation and kindly inform me whether I can apply for membership and specify what level I would achieve and the costs associated with membership.
I look forward to hearing from you
James Tilley
Major J Tilley
MOD Hamilton |ML3 0AS
Tel: 94418 2000 | 01698 285927
Fax: 94418 2007| 01698 285438
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