Author: John Adair
Price: £12.99
Publisher: Kogan Page
Pages: 132
ISBN: 0749448008
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After a few decades of sharing his wisdom on leadership, business guru John Adair has combined his advice with an emphasis on being innovative and organising teams to be creative. Thought you knew how to carry out brainstorming sessions? Check out Adair’s way. Can you motivate creative people? Adair tells you how.
Nine chapters range from ‘What is innovation?’ through ‘Organising for Team Creativity’ to ‘Harvesting Ideas’.
This book can be read in bite-sized chunks and reflected upon, or can be tackled cover-to-cover in a few hours.
Absolutely right for this new century – businesses want leaders not managers and need creative people not drones – this book looks at how new ideas can be encouraged and then the best ideas put into action. Each chapter is summarised by key points and there are plenty of real examples from industry to demonstrate relevance and to inspire.
I am a big Adair fan and place his books on my shelves next to Charles Handy and Edward de Bono.
Looking into the future has never been harder. The world of work has changed: it’s 24/7, global, multi-cultural, and service industry dominates. We need torch-bearers like Adair to light our way. Every manager, whether supervisor or chief executive, has the potential to benefit from this book. Use it to gain a competitive edge.
Useful? Four out of five stars
Well-written? Four out of five stars
Practical? Four out of five stars
Inspirational? Four out of five stars
Value for money? Five out of five stars
Overall? Four out of five stars
Reviewed by Keith Lawson, lecturer to business and management students in the UK and Romania and a business consultant.
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