Long-term youth unemployment has fallen in London during the past two years, despite increases across the rest of the country.
According to a TUC analysis of government figures, the number of 16- to 24-year-olds out of work for longer than six months in England has increased by 23% since 2010, a rise of nearly 73,000 young people.
London was the only region to see a fall, with 10% fewer jobless young people between April to June 2012 than during the same period two years ago.
However, significant increases were seen across other parts of the country, with the number rising by 53% in the North-West of England and 40% in the East.
The TUC warned the overall rise has been accompanied by a 26% cut in government support for out-of-work youngsters.
It added that the Government will spend £98 million less for young people in England through jobseeker’s allowances this year than was provided under the previous Government’s Youth Guarantee scheme.
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TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said: “Long-term youth unemployment is a ticking time bomb under the nation’s finances, with severe consequences not just for young people but also for their communities and the country’s wider economic crisis.”
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