TALENT ASSESSMENT A new strategy for talent management
Authors Tony Davis, Maggie Cutt, Neil Flynn, Peter Mowl and Simon Orme
Price £55
From Gower Publishing
Contact www.gowerpublishing.com
ISBN 978 0566 087318
Gower’s books are often encyclopaedic in approach, and this guide to talent management is no exception.
The authors present a manual on dealing with different personality types and to overcoming the old adage that 80% of a company’s results can be attributed to 20% of its employees.
This is a solid, hard-working manual that gathers together any pertinent material on its subject. For example, there is a comprehensive guide to the full range of personality questionnaires.
Surprisingly though, for a reference work of this nature, it also takes the reader into some difficult territory and asks the tough questions. It looks at what’s wrong with performance appraisal and what happens when a talent management strategy gets it wrong.
There is plenty of material that an HR or training department could implement directly, such as the useful chapter on knowledge assessment prior to skill enhancement.
Keeping a copy of this in the corporate library is equivalent to having a consultant to hand.
Its cover price reflects the value of the information and tools inside, and as such it is remarkable value.
Useful? five out of five
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Well-written? four out of five
Value for money? five out of five