The title…
The term HR adviser can cover a number of generalist HR roles and is often used interchangeably with HR officer. Where a distinction is made, advisers tend to be more senior, and can command more pay.
You need…
A degree and CIPD (and very occasionally part-CIPD) qualification with a minimum of two to three years’ generalist experience to advise and support across all areas of HR.
The job involves…
Responsibility for recruitment up to middle-management level, employee relations (supporting disciplinary and grievance procedures), outplacements, reviewing and developing policies and procedures, restructure and redundancy consultation. In a manufacturing firm based in the North West, you will also work with trade unions. This requires a thorough knowledge of employment law. You report directly to the HR manager.
Job prospects…
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Are very good. It is becoming increasingly difficult to attract high-calibre HR specialists with experience of union consultation in a manufacturing business. Given the wealth of business in the North West, good skills are always in great demand, and attract premium salaries in a sector which traditionally pays poorly.