In DLA Piper’s latest case report, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) held that employment tribunals have no jurisdiction to entertain...
Guy Lamb
Guy Lamb
Guy Lamb is a partner at DLA Piper.
Whistleblowing: police officer dismissed for taking matters into his own hands
by Guy Lambby Guy LambIn DLA Piper’s latest case report, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) held that a police officer who made protected disclosures...
Onyango v Berkeley t/a Berkeley SolicitorsFACTSThe claimant is a solicitor who worked for Berkeley Solicitors. Soon after leaving the firm,...
Argyll Coastal Services Ltd v Stirling and othersFACTSThe claimants were 11 members of the crew of the St Brandan boat...
Barts & The London NHS Trust v VermaFactsThis case deals with the issue of a pay-protection policy and how it...
Lim v Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS TrustFACTSDr Lim was a consultant anaesthetist at the Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust. Bullying...
South Tyneside Council v WardFACTSMrs Ward had worked for the employer since 1987. In 2003, Mrs Ward’s team moved offices...
McMaster v Antrim Borough CouncilFACTSMr McMaster was employed as a driver for Antrim Borough Council’s recycling service. It was made...