The law recognises that redundancies will cause employees great distress and accordingly requires employers to give all staff affected by potential redundancies ample warning and an opportunity to be consulted. A failure to consult properly, either on an individual or a collective level, will increase the risk of unfair dismissals.
Further, a failure to discharge collective consultation obligations may trigger liability for a “protective award”.
In this free webinar Darren Newman, consultant editor for XpertHR, looks at the law on the duty to consult collectively in a redundancy situation. Darren provides practical guidance for employers on how to best manage the process and considers the implications of the 6 April 2013 changes.
Key points include:
- What is a “redundancy”? It’s a wider definition than you think.
- When does the duty to consult collectively arise?
- How long must a consultation last?
- What are the requirements of a proper consultation?
- What are the possible consequences if the employer fails to consult properly?
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Darren Newman is an employment lawyer, a consultant editor for XpertHR and director of In-Company Training Services. Personnel Today editor Rob Moss hosts the webinar which will includes a live Q&A session.