Over three fifths of IT professionals have kept their resolutions, with 30% finding a new job since the New Year
95% were happy to look for a change in job despite economic uncertainties.
Almost four months into the year, research by recruitment specialist The IT Job Board reveals that one in three IT professionals have kept their new years resolution with 30.6 percent stating that their new year’s resolution was to change job.
This correlates with the increase in applications to the site rising an average of five percent each month from January – March 2008 on the same period last year.
Alex Farrell, managing director of The IT Job Board comments: “Everyone starts the year with the best of intentions, but we recognise that the pressures of everyday life can deter them from achieving the changes they want to make. However four months on, with Christmas a distant memory, the results of our research are encouraging, not least because they illustrate that people take their careers seriously.”
The survey also revealed that over a third of IT professionals who stated that changing job was their most important New Year’s resolution were looking for better career opportunities.
An additional 16.7 percent of respondents wanted to earn more money and 11.4 percent wanted to improve their work-life balance.
Only 5.1 percent said they did not want to risk changing jobs while the economic forecast was uncertain.
However, only just over a quarter of IT professionals that had not made a New Year resolution to change job were happy in their current position.
Of those that were not happy, 22.2 percent felt they should spend time trying to resolve issues before resigning, 12.1 percent did not feel confident about getting a new role and 7.1 percent did not believe they would find a position they would like better.
Just over a quarter of respondents to The IT Job Board’s survey had resigned from a job in January on a previous occasion.
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Less than half of these had a new role lined up, but 21.7 percent had taken this action having decided during the Christmas period that their current position was unbearable.
Of the IT professionals who were then job hunting, 23.2 percent found a job within a month, while 21.4 percent took between one and two months to find a new role.
Over a third of respondents had at some stage in their career initially decided in January to spend time trying to resolve issues at work before leaving, but then resigned in February or March.