In the second article in their two-part series on evidence-based practice, Jo Rhodes and Professor Anne Harriss outline effective scrutiny...
Jo Rhodes and Anne Harriss
Jo Rhodes and Anne Harriss
Jo Rhodes is an occupational health nurse and Professor Anne Harriss MSc, BEd, RGN, OHNC, RSCPHN, CMIOSH, NTFHEA, PFHEA, FRCN is emeritus professor of occupational health and president of SOM.
These extra CPD activities and resources are designed to be read alongside our article ‘PG tips – integrating evidence into...
These extra CPD activities are designed to be read in conjunction with our article CPD: gathering and interrogating evidence, by...
Evidence-based practice is self-evidently the ideal that occupational health practitioners should be striving for day to day. But, especially in...