After four successful years as the leading website for senior level recruitment in the public and not-for-profit sectors, careersforleaders is embarking on a new journey – starting with a re-launch on 2nd April.
Cutting edge, impactful and featuring the latest 2.0 technology, the new site aims to create a forum in which potential candidates can engage with each other, get the best career advice and help push themselves up the career ladder.
The soon-to-be-launched site comes with improved functionality both for the candidate and the advertiser. And, there’s also a new section that highlights the great work of current and emerging leaders in the public sector.
To get the full picture, we spoke to Toni Griffiths, Careers for Leaders’ National Operations Director.
“We had to find our exactly what our audience wanted from We listened to their views and set about redesigning the site, making it easier for progressive recruiters to engage with the best talent in the marketplace.
“Building on the success of our existing site, we’ve also made full use of second generation web services, such as blogs, RSS feeds, talent pools and forums, enabling senior level job seekers to collaborate and share information online.
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“The catalyst for our new approach isn’t simply a knee-jerk response to new 2.0 technologies. It’s a carefully researched and executed response to the changing UK recruitment arena.
“We’re seeing increasing competition for talent and the need to engage with underrepresented groups is crucial. Add to this an ageing but more connected population and an increasingly saturated on-line recruitment marketplace and it’s clear to see why we’re enhancing our specialist site and placing greater emphasis on serving the public and not for profit sectors.”