HR professionals have been urged to submit their views on a pensions consultation opened by the government.
Workplace Pension Reform – Completing the Picture seeks views on areas including scheme self-certification, qualification criteria for pension schemes and requirements to provide employees with information on auto enrolment.
Pensions minister Angela Eagle said: “HR professionals will be on the front line of our 2012 workplace pension reform. They will have a key role in communicating the changes to workers, as well as making sure their employer meets the new employer duty.
“As we launch the second consultation on these important reforms I would welcome the views of the HR community on how these changes can best be implemented.”
Charles Cotton, CIPD reward adviser, said: “We welcome the opportunity to respond to these government proposals, which will ensure the final recommendations reflect the business communities’ concerns over implementation.
“The six-week deadline for responses is challenging, but we would hope that people managers can take the time to respond to issues that will have a great impact on both their organisation and their employees.”
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The consultation will run until 5 November.
The government has also launched a second consultation, on draft guidance on the use of Group Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPS) for auto-enrolment, and the use of default options in workplace personal pensions (WPPs) used for auto enrolment. It closes on 17 December.