Recent news that the BBC paid out almost £600,000 dealing with employment tribunal claims last year has highlighted the tremendous amount of money British companies spend when dealing with conflict in the workplace.
Nor does the BBC example include the cost of:
- HR and senior management time dealing with conflict
- Disruption to team working
- Staff absence due to the conflict – stress is a likely side effect of conflict situations
- Recruitment and training when people leave because of conflict
If a person in a dispute at work wastes at least 25% of their time worrying about the conflict, how much valuable work time is lost if a group of people are involved in bullying, harassment and unacceptable behaviour in the team?
Jean Kelly, a management consultant who has spent 15 years helping organisation resolve conflict between members of staff and between staff and managers, has developed a free Conflict Calculator, available to download from Jean believes employers will be shocked when they enter in details of a conflict situation in their workplace and watch the totals add up.
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Jean offers an early conflict resolution service by providing coaches and mentors to help staff and managers to tackle the early stages of conflict and to make positive changes designed to restore effective working relationships.
For your free Conflict Calculator click on .