Over the past 12 months Connect Housing have introduced a unique recruitment solution together with complimentary technology that has helped them save substantially on the cost of their recruitment activity.
As levels of recruitment increased alongside the growth of the company and the cost of advertising in the press also continued to rise, Connect Housing were keen to consider the alternatives – a decision that has consequently not only resulted in a reduction in the cost per hire but also helped increase levels of efficiency, quality and control throughout the entire process.
With the help of networx, a leading provider in Sourcing & Response Management services and e-recruitment solutions, Connect Housing have introduced a unique method of recruitment and low cost response management system that has been designed to meet the specific needs of the SME.
David Albone, Connect Housing’s Human Resources Manager, outlined how the company has quickly and simply managed to achieve high levels of success. “With the help of networx, and their low cost recruitment solutions we have managed to reap the benefits of online recruitment in a manner that was previously unachievable given our budget.”
“Whilst the Sourcing & Response Management service has enabled us to advertise our roles on a cross section of the UK’s top career sites (including diversity sites), the apoint technology that we have now introduced has enabled us to advertise our vacancies at the touch of a button on our corporate website and manage all our applications efficiently.”
Having developed their own dedicated careers micro site, it soon became apparent that the administration of vacancies was proving both difficult and time consuming.
In order to address this problem, networx created a vacancy page that seamlessly sat within the existing micro site together with the technology to upload, edit and remove vacancies within a matter of minutes.
This not only provided potential candidates with company specific information but also an up to date list of vacancies at any given time.
Through networx’ Sourcing & Response Management service vacancies are advertised on a selection of the UK’s top careers sites, including online press job boards, specialist sites and diversity sites according to the role.
Given the cumulative costs of advertising directly and budget restrictions, placing an advert on such a wide selection of job boards was previously not an option.
By targeting such a vast audience and utilising CV database searches to pinpoint candidates with key skills for each role has also reduced repeat advertising costs.
By combining networx’ response management service with access to their e-recruitment technology delivering a quality yet personal experience to each and every candidate is simplified.
From initial acknowledgement of each application, the quick identification of quality candidates, prompt interview arrangement and delivery of feedback, communication remains professional yet effortless.
In just over 12 months Connect Housing have managed to completely innovate the way they recruit.
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Through maximising the use of their corporate website and streamlining the entire recruitment process they are now saving both time and money.