More than 0.5 million people moved into ‘severely insecure work’ last year, according to Work Foundation’s UK Insecure Work Index 2024
The National Black Police Association has called for ethnic minority groups to boycott the Metropolitan Police over the way a black officer was treated.
More actions are needed to support ethnic diversity in teaching, especially at senior levels, a report has said.
A Nigerian woman whose manager commissioned a 'cultural styles' report has won a claim for race discrimination.
Teacher who complained of 'blackophobia' was unfairly dismissed after senior leaders threatened a ‘wildcat strike’ if she returned to work.
Gavin Stephens, the head of the Naional Police Chiefs' Council, has described policing as 'institutionally racist'.
Some ethnic groups are still earning up to 18.5% less per hour than white employees, ethnicity pay gap figures for 2022 have revealed.
Remi Baker examines how race diversity initiatives can falter and poses four questions to help you get serious about anti-racism at work.
TUC calls for better pay and conditions for millions of night workers, as it finds that ethnic minorities are 53% more likely to regularly work nights.
Sky is on a mission to ensure its workforce is reflective of the audience it serves.
Plans include a landmark Race Equality Act and mandatory disability pay gap reporting for big business, if Labour forms a government.
Business largely turned a blind eye to her speech, perhaps seeing the comments as merely a continuation of Boris Johnson's “F*** business” policy.
Employment tribunal rules that holding a view opposing critical race theory can be considered a belief under the Equality Act.
Research finds widely-accepted job interview dress codes cause concern among ethnic minorities and those from low socio-economic backgrounds.
The employee used a racial slur during a training session, and was subsequently dismissed.