The impact of increasing job insecurity and mounting workloads on UK workers has been underlined in a report published today...
Ross Bentley
Now in its ninth year, the Top 40 Power Players aims to recognise HR’s most prominent and influential professionals; those...
In the first of Personnel Today‘s new Global HR series, looking at what UK HR professionals can learn from their...
Thanks to the downturn, an increasing number of claims for unfair dismissal are being lodged at tribunal. What's more, awards against employers are rising in number and cost. How should employers deal with this? Ross Bentley reports.
It looks as if religious bodies will have very few options when it comes to refusing to employ gay men and women in non-core roles. Ross Bentley looks at how this clash of ideologies will play out.
When money is the only remedy: Barely a day passes by without news of a massive tribunal award to a claimant. But how are these occasionally huge sums worked out?
Is talent management a new-fangled concept coined in the good times, or repackaged traditional HR ideas that remain as important as ever in the downturn?
Offering internships to young people from deprived backgrounds is not just about altruistically oiling the wheels of social mobility - it can bring unexpected benefits to your organisation and help upskill the workforce. Ross Bentley reports.
Should employers should try to re-skill staff rather than lay them off? Well, definitely – maybe.Should organisations ‘make’ or ‘buy’ talent?...
If you’re planning some outside-work training then sporting venues provide unusual and inspiring settings. We look at what eight have...
Despite the economic downturn, there are still opportunities for training and learning and development managers - as long as they have what it takes.
The way people are presenting their curriculum vitae – the universal passport to career opportunities – is changing as digital...
As more and more companies make lay-offs, HR departments may be tempted to use the legal advice packages on redundancy that are on the market. They should proceed with caution, writes Ross Bentley.
Should employers be on red alert to face strike action from discontented staff, or is it all just hot air? Ross Bentley finds out.
With budgets under pressure, any L&D manager looking to book a training venue will want good value for money. But...