I was interested in the article about demand for staff falling at its fastest rate in seven years (‘Sharp fall...
I found the negative comments in your article ‘New public service contract demands anger employers’, (Personnel Today, 22 July) from...
Heather Wakefield, Unison’s head of local government, said there was a “strong determination” to take industrial action among its members...
I am writing in response to your article on the government’s pledge to increase the number of apprenticeship places (‘Denham...
At a time when HR budgets are being squeezed and HR teams reduced to the minimum (‘HR forced to neglect...
Tony Pettengell’s article ‘Wrong about rights’ (Personnel Today, 8 July) was a thinly veiled attack on those with religious beliefs....
Regarding your article ‘Management theory trends: coming round again’ (Personnel Today, 9 July), I’d take Peter Thomson’s advice to HR...
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s chief executive Jackie Orme quite rightly reminds the profession to ‘stop wasting its...
If equalities minister Harriet Harman is serious about encouraging diversity, then why hasn’t the government made all public sector organisations...
The Cabinet Office has identified an issue which is central to engaging employees in benefits programmes – communicating and reinforcing...
I read with some interest Tony Pettengell’s article on the Equality Bill (‘Wrong about rights’, Off Message, Personnel Today, 8...
I read your report of Chris Humphries’ China trip with much interest (‘Smog, skills and spices’, Personnel Today, 8 July).
Research... -
It’s not just current employees who are affected by the credit crunch (‘Crunch time for employers as staff suffer’, Personnel...
Undoubtedly many HR professionals have been quaking at the thought of the Equality Bill (‘Public sector suppliers made to reveal...
Your article ‘Plans for local government pay offer strike under fire’ (Personnel Today, 1 July) highlights some very contradictory claims...