A new duty requiring big employers to publish data on their gender pay gaps now looks set to come into...
Mark Crail
Mark Crail
Mark Crail worked on XpertHR from 2001 until 2020, most recently as content director. He led the salary survey and HR data benchmarking services, overseeing the collection and publication of pay data through the Job Pricing tool and its wider HR research programme which forms the core of XpertHR Benchmarking.
As employers become more sophisticated in their use of HR metrics, they need to ensure they are aware of the...
Inflation, as measured by the consumer price index (CPI), fell to its lowest ever level in January 2015, hitting just...
Six in 10 white-collar workers took home a cash bonus last year, worth on average 13.8% on top of basic...
Staff with a grievance get paid off with compromise agreement by employer
by Mark Crailby Mark CrailNearly eight out of 10 employers would rather pay off a former employee with a grievance if the cost of...
Many organisations routinely ask key employees to opt out of working time limits even though there is little prospect that...
Online recruitment delivers more applicants and wins vote of most employers
by Mark Crailby Mark CrailOnline recruitment may not produce better quality candidates, but it does deliver more of them and that makes it easier...
Graduate starting salaries fall behind inflation as good graduates are hard to find
by Mark Crailby Mark CrailStarting salaries for new graduates have seen only modest increases over the past year, according to a survey by Personnel...
One in three private sector employers expects to come out of the 2008 wage round with a settlement of 4%...
Two out of three employers believe that return-to-work interviews have cut employee absence rates, according to a study by Personnel...
Most humna resources (HR) practitioners believe that statutory maternity pay (SMP) is set at too low a level, according to...
by Mark Crail Nearly one in five employers expects to recruit more employees by the end of the year, according to figures compiled for the Manpower...
The number of cases brought to employment tribunals rose sharply last year, according to figures published by the Tribunals Service.More...
Employers find online timewasting more of a problem than employees accessing porn websites
by Mark Crailby Mark CrailThree out of four employers have had to deal with employees who waste time online rather than doing the job...
It takes an average of 12 weeks and costs £11,000 to fill a senior management vacancy, according to a study...