The HR strategy pursued by British Business Bank particularly impressed the judges at the Personnel Today Awards, but the state-owned...
Noel O'Reilly
The defence and aerospace giant was victorious in the field for Managing Change at the Personnel Today Awards 2017. We...
We look at the changes made by Great Western Railway that helped it win the category and at the innovative...
By detailing the success of its management development schemes designed to improve wellbeing, reinsurance giant Hannover Re won over the...
Each of the entrants for this category recently launched initiatives that have increased youth employee numbers with pre-employment support and...
A high-level review of mental health at work has found that 300,000 people lose their jobs every year due to...
John Lewis Partnership has developed an approach to employee wellbeing that reflects the values of its founder and today’s business...
A report published today by Acas calls for more flexible working for parents returning to work after parental leave as...
The Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) is offering a new medical malpractice indemnity policy for nurses who work in occupational...
Higher numbers of employers have adopted workplace wellbeing strategies in the past year than in previous years and they are...
The recent annual conference of the Institute for Employment Studies took place just after the health and disability Green Paper...
The Government has announced plans to overhaul the GP fit note and statutory sick pay, as well as reform the...
Cancer accounts for almost one-third of all long-term sickness absence claims paid through income protection in the last year, according...
A thinktank has called for a right-to-return-to-work period of one year for people on disability-related sickness absence or with long-term...
The group leading the development of a new Faculty of Occupational Health Nursing (FOHN) has launched a survey of OH...